
NGO Penjara Indonesia Mentions Irrigation Project in Seletreng Village Carelessly, Project Executor: He Sells, I Buy


NGO Penjara Indonesia Mentions Irrigation Project in Seletreng Village Carelessly, Project Executor: He Sells, I Buy

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The head of the NGO Penjara Indonesia DPC Situbondo Regency, Mohsin Al Fajar. Photo: Special

NASIONALXPOS.CO.ID, SITUBONDO —The irrigation project along the national road on the North Coast (Pantura) of East Java, precisely in Seletreng village, Kapongan sub-district, Situbondo district, seems to be done carelessly and chaotically.

The signal was conveyed by the head of the NGO Penjara Indonesia DPC Situbondo Regency, Mohsin Al Fajar. In fact, he said that the activities carried out without information boards were suspected of being stealth projects and allegedly not in accordance with the specs.

“I have found a national road irrigation project, the work is from the province, there is no signboard in Seletreng village,” said Fajar recently.

According to Fajar, the irrigation canal project, whose building quality is questionable, is partly the installation of stones that are just placed on the ground without being given sand and melt. He even suspected that the provincial irrigation project lacked supervision from the relevant agencies.

“There are no stones there, the work is perfunctory. This is a lack of supervision from the relevant agencies. There is no signboard, the stealth project, “explained Fajar Gondrong, his familiar nickname.

The condition of the irrigation canal is suspected to be an attempt to reduce the material, which has an impact on the strength of the excavation. Moreover, the irrigation is adjacent to the large-tonnage National highway infrastructure, so this activity is predicted to be prone to collapse.

Because of indications of a stealth project that was full of alleged irregularities, Fajar Gondrong threatened to report the project activities to the Law Enforcement Official (APH).

“Not until here, we will report to APH,” he said.

While on the other hand, Muhammad Erfandi as the implementer of the activity when confirmed, last Tuesday, (19/12/2023), confirmed that the irrigation project was indeed part of his activities. However, he was grumbling when his good intentions to meet Fajar Gondrong were measured only by nominal figures.

“Yes, that is my activity. I met with Mr. Fajar earlier (some time ago.Red). We have sat together. I did not talk at length about the project, because you already know the language of the project yourself. Then, my good faith in meeting Mr. Fajar is only measured in nominal numbers. I feel that my goodwill is measured in nominal terms, so I don’t want it to be,” explained Erfandi, the executor who organized the provincial irrigation project without an information board.

Photo: Special

The reason is, continued Erfandi, he claimed to embrace all elements, not just one.

“Of the many alliance friends, I embrace all. And Mr. Fajar is not new to me. Even with Mr. D (initials of the chairman) of the Penjara NGO, I have been a partner for a long time. Even Mr. D always escorts my work,” he said again.

Furthermore, when the media crew clarified the value of the project budget, Erfandi strangely asked the media crew what they were? even though from the beginning, this media journalist had confirmed, as well as introduced and explained himself from the press.

“Sorry, Mr. Agung, what are you here as first. Do you want to meet me or as an extension of Mr. Fajar? If  Mr. Agung wants to meet me, go ahead, I’ll schedule it. But if it’s about Mr. Fajar, just let it be. I am used to bluffs and threats,” said Fandi, the nickname of the CV executive who allegedly worked on the stealth project.

“I’m used to living on the road. Whatever will be done, I face it. What is clear is, that I have made good intentions. Just tell me, it’s okay. Want to make friends, I serve. Want to make enemies, I’ll buy it. Sorry, I didn’t mean to say anything dirty to Mr. Agung. If Mr. Agung wants to meet me, let’s arrange it,” added Fandi.

It is an important parameter in public information disclosure, to see and assess the performance of the implementation of projects financed by the state, so that it can be realized when communicated properly through the mass media as the fourth pillar of democracy, as well as social control by prioritizing professionalism and news balance in presenting information to the public who have the right to know.

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But far from being transparent, he greeted the opportunity by saying,

“I apologize, Mr. Agung, I don’t need to tell you that. This does not diminish my respect for you. If it’s about Mr. Fajar, I am ready to serve him physically and mentally. If you want to looking some information, it’s okay. I am not blocking you. I’m sorry, I can’t answer. What was discussed about Mr. Fajar. Let it be my business,” Fandi growled at Fajar Gondrong.

In fact, Fandi also asked the media crew to convey to Fajar Gondrong that he worked not only for profit, but also had to bear many workers.

“Just tell Mr. Fajar, I work not just to make a profit. I support almost 100 workers. They get their income from working with me. If he wants to take my job off, that’s fine, but later he will bear the hunger of all my workers, including his family, because he is no longer working. As for me, I can get my income from anywhere,” Fandi pleaded.

“Sorry, Just tell Mr. Fajar. He sells, I buy. This is the usual language of the project. Greetings for friendship Mr. Agung,” Fandi challenged Fajar Gondrong, chairman of the NGO Penjara Indonesia DPC Situbondo. (Agung Ch)

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