Meanwhile, based on data from, the number of terrorism prisoners amounted to 9 people. Furthermore, based on the report of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), there is an increase in the number of terrorism cases and the number of suspected terrorists who have been identified. These data show that terrorism is still a serious threat in Indonesia. Along with that, the Indonesian government is working hard to face this challenge and find effective solutions through various strategies, including an initial coaching program using the Litmas approach.
Early Guidance Program with Litmas Approach
Litmas serves as an important instrument in designing an initial coaching program for terrorism convicts. The community research process is conducted to understand the background, motives, and factors that drive a person to be involved in terrorism activities. The data obtained from the research is used as the basis to design a specific and effective coaching program.
This initial coaching program does not only focus on legal aspects, but also involves psychological, social, and educational aspects. Terrorism inmates are given education that can change their views, as well as guidance so that they can reintegrate into society. In this case, Litmas plays a role in developing the right strategy to understand and overcome radical ideology that may still be attached to terrorism inmates.
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