
The Function of Community Research in the Early Development of Terrorism Prisoners in Indonesia


The Function of Community Research in the Early Development of Terrorism Prisoners in Indonesia

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Firdaus AMD.IP., S.H., M.H. Foto: Ist

NASIONALXPOS.CO.ID Indonesia, as a country with cultural and religious diversity, has faced serious challenges related to its national security, particularly in dealing with the threat of terrorism. To address the impact of acts of terrorism, the Indonesian government through Corrections has implemented various strategies, including Community Research (Litmas) conducted by Community Supervisor (PK) of Correctional Center (Bapas) as one of the tools to identify inmates before conducting initial guidance to terrorism inmates.

What is Litmas?

Litmas stands for Community Research, a multidisciplinary approach that aims to understand criminal, cultural, and psychological phenomena related to criminal behavior, including terrorism. The main function of Litmas is to design coaching programs that can help resocialize terrorism prisoners and prevent them from re-engaging in radical activities.

Number of Terrorist Distribution in Indonesia

Quoting data from databoks.katadata.co.id related to acts of terrorism in Indonesia, it is known that there were 6 terrorist incidents in 2021 with 370 people suspected of being perpetrators of terrorism, then in 2022, the number of terrorist acts in Indonesia decreased to one case. Likewise, the number of terrorism suspects shrank to 248 people.Meanwhile, until October 2023, the National Police noted that there had been no acts of terror but throughout the year there were 104 terrorism suspects who had been arrested by Detachment 88.

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