One of the religious leaders as well as a professor of tourism science at Udayana University, Ida Pandita Mpu Brahmananda Prof. Dr. I Gede Pitana who was present said that in tourism promotion, do not only think about bringing in as many tourists as possible but also think about adequate infrastructure including roads and rest areas.
“The infrastructure is very inadequate, are our roads adequate?, are our rest areas adequate?, for example from Kuta to Ubud is our infrastructure adequate, no!. that is very important why I compare it with Singapore even though it is far away that we take. the principle, Singapore has 15 million tourists but people never talk about over tourism there, because the infrastructure is good, “he explained.
Ida Pandita further explained that in addition to the infrastructure that needs to be addressed, the types of tourists also need to be considered by bringing in quality tourists. (Tik)