
Hundreds of Situbondo High School Students Rally to Demand Principal’s Resignation


Hundreds of Situbondo High School Students Rally to Demand Principal’s Resignation

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photo: Agung CH

“The children’s complaints are indeed hot. Especially in the current climate, extreme weather is said to be hot,” he explained.

Nevertheless, according to this student teacher, some of the wood cutting was done because it could be dangerous, in addition, also because there was a field widening. But when asked about the demands of students who want the head of SMAN 1 to immediately resign from her position, this man from Magetan admitted that he did not want to comment.

“I can’t comment on that issue. As a teacher cannot comment, we leave it to the existing mechanism,” he said.

Furthermore, regarding the marching band, Hermawan interestingly said that the school had tried to re-organize the activity. In fact, previously, SMAN 1 had asked the Situbondo Regent for assistance.

“The school has tried to re-organize, also asking for help from the Regent,” he said.

Until this news was published, the media crew had not yet obtained information from Marta Mila Sugesti as the Principal of SMAN 1 Situbondo. For this reason, in the near future the media crew will ask for clarification regarding the chaotic actions of her students who tried to dethrone her position. (Agung CH)

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